Multi-bidding: Minimise leasing costs by automatic bidding process

The trade journal "Flottenmanagement" focuses on the topic of how fleet managers can reduce the leasing costs for vehicles in its issue 2/2020.

Muldi bidding is a central component of the vehicle procurement software

Fleet managers mostly know what goes on behind a manual ordering process: an employee has already looked up what he would like to order on the website of an automobile manufacturer. He passes his preferred vehicle to the fleet manager, who asks for offers from various suppliers and compares the outcomes. After a week you realise that the costs of this vehicle do not correspond to the employee's car policy. Now, your employee is disappointed and you start all over again asking for new quotations for another vehicle. This is extremely time-consuming and irritating for everyone. Fleetmanagement software offers a solution to this issue: With multi-bidding the vehicle procurement process can be largely automated.

As an operator of an individual solution, companies with large procurement demands can not only take a more individual role in choosing suppliers but can often get even more special rates and reduce the leasing expenses considerably.